Our Vision:
shift the work/life paradigm.
“If we're alongside our people, wherever they're at, connecting with their experience and needs, they don't have to feel so disconnected.”
- Jamie Accetta, Founder
The foundation of this business model is functionally the same as in the traditional construction industry: contracts, timelines, job sites, and day-to-day work are what you’d expect. The difference is in how power dynamics are handled, how we engage with one another outside of work, and the resources made available to everyone on our team in support of their personal growth.
When you give people freedom and resources, they come back with purpose. In asking the question "what do you want to do?" we create space for self expression, authenticity, collaboration: a new paradigm that facilitates live/work balance. It’s not enough for people to clock in, work to build someone else’s success, and go home feeling disconnected from their own needs and from other people. We’re not meant for it. We need to feel valued, we need social bonds, we need to feel that there is purpose to the work we do: we need to know that we matter.
Through ThriveBuild, we can create a professional platform that prioritizes community: sharing skills, eating meals together, mentoring across trades, playing games and engaging with healthy competition in our downtime - whatever it takes to be more than the product of that day. This is how we upend the status quo: how we’ll encourage others to come back with fresh ideas, renewed hope, and energy to build a better, sustainable, tomorrow. We’re ready to do this work. Work with us.
Find your thrive.